12 December 2011

Kickin' It Old School

Well, I had a pretty hard time coming up with a song that has summarized or encapsulated today. I couldn't even salvage a memorable moment...so I decided to share some comfort music. This is taking it back to '92 when I came back to the U.S. of A. and I started really getting into music.

Way back when my junior year of high school started, I kept a record of my song of the day. I kept it for a whole year, complete with a top ten list, songs of the month, and a bunch of other geeky air play, dance request, CDs sold (I worked at Camelot music) stats. This was my song.

This is dedicated to the DORKS! Keepin' it real, or at least real enough.

Jump Around, yo!

1 comment:

  1. OH YES!!! Those were the days! Glad we have such good memories!


I think I'll post a little writing every so often...some polished...some rough. And I welcome any comments or criticisms or cupcakes you care to throw my way.