18 December 2011

Bad Dad! Bad Dad!

Tonight I discovered that I had been slacking in my role as a father. My children had been deprived of one of the great iconic features in the world of childhood, puppetry, and good old family fun. They had never seen The Muppet Movie. Ever. And so, as repentance, I post the last few minutes of the movie, including the song, "The Rainbow Connection."

By the way, the title of this post should be read in Animal's voice.

I can't relive my childhood without the Muppets, Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, or even Labyrinth. Jim Henson is/was the man! Even though they haven't been the same since he passed on , they still rock!

Anybody who loves the Muppets, holla!

1 comment:

  1. We love the Muppets at our house. Mah Na Mah Na is my kids favorite song. We have the first season of the Muppet show on DVD and they watch it all the time. Plus we just took them to see the new movie. It's so good. Long Live the Muppets!!!


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