14 December 2011

Idioms or Idiots?

Toady I attempted to share idioms with my 7th graders, pointing out specifically how over time they become cliche, especially those that use similes or metaphors. Yes, it's a very geeky English teacher thing to do. So what? So what'cha what'cha want? Hardly any of them recognized the sayings I shared. On average, they admitted to hearing about 8 out of the 35. Idiots!

The students had to fill in the blank after the start of each idiom. For example:

31. crying like a ________________________. The answer is obviously "baby."

One section specifically dealt with food idioms. The idiom that stuck in my mind was "cool as ________________." Most kids filled in "ice." My answer was "a cucumber." And I could not shake Mike D, Ad Rock, and MCA's "cool as a cucumber in a bowl of hot sauce" line from their wicked awesome hit "So What Cha Want?" So, yeah. That's the story behind today's video.

A mad shout out goes to Ms. Zergal's Advanced Communications class ('94). This is the song I really wanted to use.

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