10 December 2011

At Least It's Not Rick Astley!

So, when I took Zac to get a haircut this afternoon, this song came on the radio. It also played in the next two stores we went two. Plus, these two doofuses' faces appeared everywhere in advertisements. And now I can't stop shufflin'. It just gets in your bones or something. Darn it! Here's to the most annoying, addicting song of the year. You're right up there with the Macarena.

These morons kinda remind me of some people I knew back in high school I'm not giving any clues as to which people I'm thinking of, but some of you will get it without even thinking twice.


  1. I think it's right up your alley--kinda zombie-ish in a way.

  2. Well, none of us dressed quite that badly. Bob was the only one who could have danced like that, though.


I think I'll post a little writing every so often...some polished...some rough. And I welcome any comments or criticisms or cupcakes you care to throw my way.