15 December 2012

Getting Back to Simple...Sort Of

As I scroll through social media and watch the news, I see a lot of stones cast about, fingers pointing, and general confusion and despair.  And in light of the recent Connecticut school tragedy, I should expect that.  Some might even call me calloused or uncaring when I don't want to talk about it.  The truth is that I can't without releasing a backlash of emotion.  It's kinda like the electricity Clark Griswold uses for his Christmas lights.

What I think everyone needs to do (in this chaotic, mixed-up world) is to take a deep breath, slow down, find your faith, and have a good meal.  No, don't go out.  Stay home, hug your kids, and have a good, home-cooked meal.  It doesn't have to be elaborate, just comforting.  We all have our comfort foods.  That's what this month is all about: food that makes me happy.  I never said that I was a gourmet chef, or I was opening a catering service.  And everybody knows that I don't compete (nor want to) with all those fancy-schmancy cake decorators and semi-professional food bloggers and stuff.  I don't care about that.  (I don't do cute either.)  It's just about sharing some of my comforts with you.  And although she never outright said it, my Grandma Anson always believed you could fix a problem better on a full stomach.  The shape of the family can attest to that. ;)

One of the all-time comfort foods in this nation, I believe is a grilled cheese sandwich.  Yes, you heard me, and you know you want one.  Maybe with a nice bowl of soup.  So here's today's post--food for the soul, food for healing, whatever you want to call it.

However, it's my own little twist.  And although it's not as ginormously deliciously disgusting, greasy, or bulk enough for a football team to devour, I felt like the Sauce Boss from Epic Meal Time could have narrated the construction of this Big Boy Grilled Cheese with a side of (Not Yo' Arts and Kraft) Mac & Cheese.

This cheesy stick-ti-your-ribs carbo-heaven isn't like the grilled cheese your momma made when you were still drinking out of a sippy cup.  No artificial processed wrapper cheese here.  This here's got three types of cheese: mild cheddar, sharp cheddar, and mozzarella.  It's also got roasted sweet orange peppers. (I was out of most other colors.) They camouflage nicely with the cheesy ooze, too.  It's got bacon strips, a spoonful of potent mac and cheese, topped with two grilled hot dogs, and even more bacon strips, and enough hot sauce to make the paint peel off the walls.  It's reverse toasted between a bagel.  No Wonder Bread here, softy.  Sprinkle more cheese on top.  Let one side burn so you get some good char as well.

The mac and cheese that the kids wanted for dinner transformed when I added more hot sauce and tons of chopped bacon, freshly fried in  a greasy pan.  Salt and pepper until your heart's not content but rather sitting on the edge of its seat, challenging the heartburn to "bring it."  Add some tortilla wedges (see my post from December 10) and some peppers and greens for colors.  Prepare the moo juice.  The pictures are evidence that I do not always drink out of the jug. Ha!

When you've cleaned up your mess, hug you kids, hug your spouse.  Take advantage of the time you have.  Comfort food makes everybody feel better, even after senseless tragedy.  Then go sit in another room, because soon nobody else will be able to stand being near you for at least 24 hours. Just kidding.  Try adding jalapenos and tomatoes next time if you want a tamer grilled cheese experience.

1 comment:

I think I'll post a little writing every so often...some polished...some rough. And I welcome any comments or criticisms or cupcakes you care to throw my way.