14 December 2012

Cathead Biscuits and Sawmill Gravy

It's late...or early depending on which clock you are looking at.  So, I decided to present one of my favorite breakfasts, one that I eat whenever I feel like it.  Well, to be more precise, whenever we have sausage in the house.  We serve breakfast anytime, just not as greasy or flavorless as Denny's.  Here is my version of Cathead Biscuits and Sawmill Gravy.

I was first introduced to this delectable dish by my Grandpa Anson in the backwoods of Southern Indiana.  He actually called the gravy Alvin Tyree gravy.  I think Alvin Tyree was some distant relative, but whenever I asked, nobody really knew.  My Dad and his cousins called it sawmill gravy because it's as thick as the chaff from a sawmill.  It might be better described as paste with sausage and spices for how thick the Indiana Ansons like it, definitely not like the cheap--o watery stuff that comes on teh buffet at a Holiday Inn Express or anything like that.

And to be truthful, these are not real cathead biscuits; they are nowhere near the size of a cat's head.  They are cheap imitations in the form of Jiffy Mix, but almost any biscuits will do since the gravy is so downright awesome!
With a side of hash browns. The ketchup is just for color.

For the biscuits, just follow whatever recipe you want.  My sister-in-law Toni has a killer one.  I should get it (hint hint).

The gravy is just a simple mixture of some sort of grease (I like to use drippings: sausage, bacon, etc. or butter), milk, flour, black pepper, onion powder, and crushed red pepper flakes.  Mix the ingredients until you have the consistency you want and there are enough for leftovers for another meal or two.  I ate mine this morning over a bagel. Om-nom-nom-nom.

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