first period class—
mindless zombie horde
counting on fingers
reminds zombie children not
to play with their food
splitting up with your
zombie girlfriend gives a new
meaning to heartbreak
don’t mistake zombies
for wand’ring teenage trick-or-
treaters at your door
fast food zombies love
finding the surprise inside
happy meals for lunch!
some uncouth zombies
pick their teeth with fingernails
still attached to hands
civilized zombies
remember when slurping to
extend their pinkies
defense weapons? ha!
think your guns will save you from
the apocalypse?
“you think you’re scared now?”
grunted zombie at the door
“wait till I get in”
Louisville Slugger
by the nightstand for robbers?
nope. zombie attack
zombies smell the fear
and can’t wait to taste the sweat
running down your neck
writing more zombie
haiku leaves my brains empty;
at least I’m safe now
kidney. liver. spleen.
anatomy lesson? nope
zombie lunch buffet
(ev’ry day I’m shuf-fl-in’)
zombies in disguise
endless hours of
console preparation just
creates more zombies
vacant expressions
while mindlessly texting help
blend with zombies
These last two came after the zombies had already
relieved me of my brains. Moan.
This is great!!! Happy Halloween!