21 February 2013

V. Day 2013, Part II

Yeah, I know it’s a week later, but I’ve been revising, and that’s my right as a writer.  If you want to complain, I guess that’s your prerogative, too.  Just don’t expect me to listen.  As it is said, complaining is like sitting in a rocking chair.  It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t really get you anywhere.

For those who just want me to finish the story, keep your pants on (please!) while I explain to those who are lost that they need to go back and read the previous post (14 February 2013) to catch up.  Hurry up.  I won’t wait long.

In honor of the “holiday” that, in my opinion, is a mild form of the extortion of the males of this species, I ordered Amy flowers, which were delivered on the 13th— lilies and orchids (I think).  On the actual day itself, I had to go to class (boo!)   So, I had my colleague (Thanks, Katrina!) drop off a package at my house while I scooted off to sit in a hard, plastic chair for another 150 minutes.

The package contained one stuffed skunk—plush, not a taxidermy special, one card which read “Happy Stinkin’ Valentine’s Day!,” and one poem (which has since been revised).  Awwww.

How’s that for Mr. Unromantic?

For those who care, or are curious, here’s the poem in its most recent version.

“Portal to Your Soul”

Reposing on the gentle bank,
                                                                                              I gaze into
your soul’s portal:
two hazel pools
where I can skip glances
across the glistening surface
or flirt with the smile
hiding and dancing
behind the gray-green
flecks of brown and gold
and blue floating,
the laughter
and life.

But it’s the calm, dark profundity
beneath the shallows
that intrigues me most,
lures me in,
and keeps me captive,
spellbound as a waxless sailor straining
to hear the siren’s song,
longing to
fall in and drown
in your depths.

And in return, I received the most freaking awesome V Day present ev-er.


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