13 September 2016

Appeal for Authorial Expertise

Here is a letter intended for published authors. I am looking for guest (author) presenters in my school. If you read this and know of anyone who might be interested, please have them contact me, direct them to this page. Thanks.

Dear Author,
Over the past five or six years, my honors English 9th graders have participated in National Novel Writing Month, and the principal and vice principal thought I should spread the love a little more, assigning me to teach a novel writing elective this semester. Needless to say, having never published my own novel (I have a few in the works, but this darn thing called a dissertation keeps getting in my way), I am overwhelmed, and I would like to ask for some help from people who know the business and do it for a “living.”
I immediately deemed it critical to bring in several guest authors/speakers, but I have been hesitant, as we have switched administrators, and I didn’t know what to expect. However, the new guys in the office are on board now, as is our school librarian, so I think I can officially petition your expertise.
I’d like to find any authors who might be willing to spend time at Spanish Fork Jr. High to help in one or two or all of the following areas:

-          Creating realistic characters
-          World building
-          Writing effective dialogue
-          Plotting
-          Sub-plotting
-          Pacing (time sequence and structure)
-          Maintaining suspense
-          Satisfying conclusions
-          Effective description/details
-          Revision
-          Specific genre
-          Submission letters
-          Book promotion (of course, you can promote your own)
-          Anything else you want to speak about

I am open to many different types of presentations: large or small assemblies, author panels, special invitation assemblies, class presentations, workshops, or however you want to share your awesomeness.
I have also been asked by some about honorariums and such. My principal and librarian have both assured me that we can set some money aside for some presentations. Just remember that we are a public school; the purse strings aren’t held by generous elven lords. I wish I could pay everyone with dragon hoards to come speak or work with these students. In the past, we have also allowed you to sell books to the students (with advanced notice). We can also work with other local schools if you want to do multiple presentations in the area.
As far as dates go, my calendar is flexible throughout the school year. If you can’t make it this semester, I am teaching a sci-fi/fantasy literature course next semester and would still welcome you. Please let me know if you would be interested in coming to Spanish fork Jr. High this year to help ambitious writers, placate avid readers, and expand your circle of influence.
If you are interested, please let me know as soon as possible so we can make the arrangements.


1 comment:

  1. I'm an author in town and my son attends your school as an 8th grader. I'm not famous or probably even cool, but I have 7 published books, including a series geared toward teens. I'll send you my contact information on Facebook.


I think I'll post a little writing every so often...some polished...some rough. And I welcome any comments or criticisms or cupcakes you care to throw my way.