27 January 2011

Plug Tunin': CUWP Summer Institute!

For those who teach writing, this plug's for you. Those who get my early '90s De La Soul reference, you are not a scrub. If you don't, I'm pulling a mad face!

I know the hour is late, but I must publicize the 2011 Summer Institute sponsored by the Central Utah Writing Project. Check out the site at utahteacherswrite.org for all the specifics. I will say that although most of you will be hesitant to give up four weeks of your summer, this is the Best. Professional. Development. Ever. Becoming a writing fellow with the CUWP has changed the way I think and teach writing. It's also helped me with my own writing and publishing as a professional. Writing, reading, teaching. That's what it's all about. Oh, yeah...and more writing.

If you have a second or three to waste, check out a few of my earliest posts on this blog to see some of the short activities and prompts I wrote on, invented, or stole from my wonderful zombie-loving CUWP friends.

Also, don't miss the February 19th workshop with Kelly Gallagher or the March 19th mini-conference. I'll actually be presenting there alongside three of my CUWP compadres.

P.S. Someone help me fill those potholes in my lawn.

1 comment:

  1. I am commenting on your blog. It's a nice blog, even if it does not have photos, a cutesy background or one of those annoying music players that I can never figure out how to turn off.


I think I'll post a little writing every so often...some polished...some rough. And I welcome any comments or criticisms or cupcakes you care to throw my way.